Medical science and life science says quality seed and preparedness to soil matters. Hence, the preparedness of FMN matters a lot.
The bitter truth is that Nature has given extra Power to Women (Mother) together with a Sincere & Serious Natural Responsibility. A Futurist Mother is like a जननी ( माटो ) Soil. Scientifically,Soil means the best fertile Soil in which best seeds get yield into the best crops & quality Seeds again & the same Quality Seeds are responsible for the best quality offsprings,
यदि माटोलाइ कुनै पनि समस्या छ भने त्यस माटो बाट expected outcomes पाउन सम्भव हुदैन ,त्यसरी नै हुनेवाला Futurist Mothers लाइ Physically ,Mentally ,Biologically Psychologically ,Financially लगायत समग्ररुपले Prepared नहुदै हाम्रा दिदीबहिनीहरु,छोरी ,बुहारीहरूबाट अभावै -अभाव (Crisis ) अवस्थामा ( Without Any Family Planning ) ,without Preparedness & Accidentally नै कर्णधार बालबालिकाहरु जन्मिने हो भने ,हुनेवाला Futurist Mother हरुबाट Expected ,Healthiest, Constructive कर्णधार सम्भव छैन
If there is a problem in the soil, we cannot get expected product from the soil, likewise if a futurist mother has any problem related to biological, physical, mental, psychological and financial problems then she will be ill prepared for motherhood. Similarly, this unplanned, unpreparedness and accidental conception of a fetus leads to unhappiness and destruction along with we cannot expect the healthiest and constructive nation builders.
-Medical Science अनि Life Science ले यहि भन्छ! Quality Seed & Preparedness to Soil Matters ,Hence Preparedness of FMN matters a lot ,This is fact of Science !
Quality Product को लागि जसरि माटोको Preparedness ,Proper Planning को अपरिहार्यता छ ,त्यसरी नै हुनेवाला आमाहरु Futurist Mother हरुको Complete Preparedness ( Physical,Biological,Mental & Psychological Health , Financial Freedom -Socio-Economical लगायत ) को अपरिहार्यता छ , यसको लागि हुनेवाला आमाहरु स्वयम र हुनेवाला Father हरु लगायत सबै Stakeholder हरु Responsible हुनु पर्ने देखिन्छ, सुन्दा तितो लागे पनि सत्य यहि हो कि हुनेवाला आमाहरु अलिक बढी नै Sincere /Responsible हुन् पर्ने देखिन्छ,जिल्ला अदालत तथा सर्बोच अदालतको तथ्यांक देख्दा समबन्ध-बिच्छेद Divorce को बढ्दो क्रम Exponential देखिन्छ, अर्थात बचा जन्मिने भ्रुण अवस्था देखि नौ महिने गर्भ लगायत सुत्केरी बेदना अनि Breast Feeding तथा तोते बोलीको पहिलो पाठशाला अनि Schooling गराउने पहिलो Teacher समेतको जिम्मेवारी Nature ले Futurist Mothers लाइ ( केहि अपवाद बाहेक) नै बोकाएको छ ,यो सुन्दा नराम्रो लागे पनि तितो यथार्थ हो ,सबै ले हुनेवाला Futurist Mother हरुलाइ Support सहयोग गर्नुपर्छ,यसमा कुनै दुइ मत छैन ,तर पनि, Futurist Mothers are more responsible for their Financial Freedom and for their Physical, Biological, Mental, Psychological, Socio-Economic Health & Fitness before they get pregnant accidentally or without Preparedness and without Family Planning. यदि हुनेवाला Futurist Mother हरु Complete Preparedness नै नभई नभई Pregnant हुदै जाने हो भने माथि भनिएको समस्याहरुको सामाधान कहिले हुने छैन ,बरु दिन पर दिन अवस्था भयावह हुदै जानेछ,
Vision - We envision creating jobs and contributing towards achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGS-17)-Ending all types of Poverty,Zero Food Hunger, Employability Skills ,Livelihood, Conservation, Climate-Change, Sustainability,SCBT (Sustainable Community Based Tourism), Sustainable Agriculture & Sustainable Family Farming -SAF & all interlinked Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS17).FMN aims to contribute towards preparedness of Futurist Mothers of Nepal for their Financial Freedom,Entrepreneurship,Job Skills & Employability Skills.
Goal : Preparedness of Self-Sustainable,Independent, Empowered, Responsible Game Changer Futurist Mothers
Futurist Mothers of Nepal is a Self Sustainable Social Enterprise emerged to solve the Root Problems of our Nation considering Futurist Mothers as the Focal Person for the Change initiative. According to Mahatma Gandhi, “If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate an entire family.” Mothers are the carriers of Genetic Characters, Producers, Rearers, and Developers of the Upcoming Future of the Nation i.e Children. Reap what you sow which means present actions inevitably shape future consequences. Financial Freedom, Self Sustainable, Independence, Employability Skills Generation, Physical Health, Social Health, Psychological Health, etc before Motherhood are governing factors. Nature has given extra Power to Women (Mothers) together with a Sincere & Serious Natural Responsibility. A Futurist Mother is like a जननी ( माटो ) Soil. Scientifically, Soil means the best fertile material in which the best seeds get yielded into the best crops & quality Seeds again & the same Quality Seeds are responsible for the best quality offspring. Skilled, Empowered,Intellectual, Empathetic,Intuitive,Creative, Passionate, Life-long Learner,Good Listener, Persuasive, Responsible and Kind, Leader, Honest and Integrity, Courageous, Self-Aware, Wholehearted personal leads to the mitigation of existing problems of the Nation .
Generally Job seeker Mindset, Youth Enjoying in the Comfort zone, Brain Drain and Graduates Migration to abroad in search of Freedom, All type of Poverty i.e Lack of Physical asset, Biological property, Intellectual property and lack of resource capitalization Skill, Unemployment in Graduates due to lack of Skills, Hunger, Political Instability, Corruption, Gender Discrimination, Volilance, Crime, Narrow Minded Thought, Depression, Demotivation from Parents towards Enterprenual and Job Creation,etc.are the fatal problems of Nation which are created due to wrong Teaching Learning Methodology applied by School , Collage , University and Student themselves. Thus , Futurist Mothers of Nepal (FMN) Main goal is to prepare such Futurist Mothers who were Physically Fit , Mentally Sound , Emotionally Strong ,Socially Well being and have own income generating skill /or Entrepreneur, Independent , Dynamic and sound knowledge on the diverse field and can decide about her carrier, Learning Methodology, Marriage, Family Planning, Pregnancy, Rearing environment for her Child and Cooperate for providing Good Natural, Organic environment, Practical and Sustainable Skills and Knowledge to her Offspring who can decide to lead the path of her Mother and Can help in solving a list of problems from Foundation.
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Vision - We envision creating jobs and contributing towards achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGS-17)-Ending all types of Poverty,Zero Food Hunger, Employability Skills ,Livelihood, Conservation, Climate-Change, Sustainability,SCBT (Sustainable Community Based Tourism), Sustainable Agriculture & Sustainable Family Farming -SAF & all interlinked Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS17).FMN aims to contribute towards preparedness of Futurist Mothers of Nepal for their Financial Freedom,Entrepreneurship,Job Skills & Employability Skills.
Goal : Preparedness of Self-Sustainable,Independent, Empowered, Responsible Game Changer Futurist Mothers
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Game Changer Initiative & a Movement by Futurist Mothers of Nepal - FMN’
If there is a problem in the soil, we cannot get expected product from the soil, likewise if a futurist mother has any problem related to biological, physical, mental, psychological and financial problems then she will be ill prepared for motherhood. Similarly, this unplanned, unpreparedness and accidental conception of a fetus leads to unhappiness and destruction along with we cannot expect the healthiest and constructive nation builders.
Medical science and life science says quality seed and preparedness to soil matters. Hence, the preparedness of FMN matters a lot.
The bitter truth is that Nature has given extra Power to Women (Mother) together with a Sincere & Serious Natural Responsibility. A Futurist Mother is like a जननी ( माटो ) Soil. Scientifically,Soil means the best fertile Soil in which best seeds get yield into the best crops & quality Seeds again & the same Quality Seeds are responsible for the best quality offsprings,
यदि माटोलाइ कुनै पनि समस्या छ भने त्यस माटो बाट expected outcomes पाउन सम्भव हुदैन ,त्यसरी नै हुनेवाला Futurist Mothers लाइ Physically ,Mentally ,Biologically Psychologically ,Financially लगायत समग्ररुपले Prepared नहुदै हाम्रा दिदीबहिनीहरु,छोरी ,बुहारीहरूबाट अभावै -अभाव (Crisis ) अवस्थामा ( Without Any Family Planning ) ,without Preparedness & Accidentally नै कर्णधार बालबालिकाहरु जन्मिने हो भने ,हुनेवाला Futurist Mother हरुबाट Expected ,Healthiest, Constructive कर्णधार सम्भव छैन
-Medical Science अनि Life Science ले यहि भन्छ! Quality Seed & Preparedness to Soil Matters ,Hence Preparedness of FMN matters a lot ,This is fact of Science !
Quality Product को लागि जसरि माटोको Preparedness ,Proper Planning को अपरिहार्यता छ ,त्यसरी नै हुनेवाला आमाहरु Futurist Mother हरुको Complete Preparedness ( Physical,Biological,Mental & Psychological Health , Financial Freedom -Socio-Economical लगायत ) को अपरिहार्यता छ , यसको लागि हुनेवाला आमाहरु स्वयम र हुनेवाला Father हरु लगायत सबै Stakeholder हरु Responsible हुनु पर्ने देखिन्छ, सुन्दा तितो लागे पनि सत्य यहि हो कि हुनेवाला आमाहरु अलिक बढी नै Sincere /Responsible हुन् पर्ने देखिन्छ,जिल्ला अदालत तथा सर्बोच अदालतको तथ्यांक देख्दा समबन्ध-बिच्छेद Divorce को बढ्दो क्रम Exponential देखिन्छ, अर्थात बचा जन्मिने भ्रुण अवस्था देखि नौ महिने गर्भ लगायत सुत्केरी बेदना अनि Breast Feeding तथा तोते बोलीको पहिलो पाठशाला अनि Schooling गराउने पहिलो Teacher समेतको जिम्मेवारी Nature ले Futurist Mothers लाइ ( केहि अपवाद बाहेक) नै बोकाएको छ ,यो सुन्दा नराम्रो लागे पनि तितो यथार्थ हो ,सबै ले हुनेवाला Futurist Mother हरुलाइ Support सहयोग गर्नुपर्छ,यसमा कुनै दुइ मत छैन ,तर पनि, Futurist Mothers are more responsible for their Financial Freedom and for their Physical, Biological, Mental, Psychological, Socio-Economic Health & Fitness before they get pregnant accidentally or without Preparedness and without Family Planning. यदि हुनेवाला Futurist Mother हरु Complete Preparedness नै नभई नभई Pregnant हुदै जाने हो भने माथि भनिएको समस्याहरुको सामाधान कहिले हुने छैन ,बरु दिन पर दिन अवस्था भयावह हुदै जानेछ,
Vision - We envision creating jobs and contributing towards achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGS-17)-Ending all types of Poverty,Zero Food Hunger, Employability Skills ,Livelihood, Conservation, Climate-Change, Sustainability,SCBT (Sustainable Community Based Tourism), Sustainable Agriculture & Sustainable Family Farming -SAF & all interlinked Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS17).FMN aims to contribute towards preparedness of Futurist Mothers of Nepal for their Financial Freedom,Entrepreneurship,Job Skills & Employability Skills.
Goal : Preparedness of Self-Sustainable,Independent, Empowered, Responsible Game Changer Futurist Mothers
Futurist Mothers of Nepal is a Self Sustainable Social Enterprise emerged to solve the Root Problems of our Nation considering Futurist Mothers as the Focal Person for the Change initiative. According to Mahatma Gandhi, “If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate an entire family.” Mothers are the carriers of Genetic Characters, Producers, Rearers, and Developers of the Upcoming Future of the Nation i.e Children. Reap what you sow which means present actions inevitably shape future consequences. Financial Freedom, Self Sustainable, Independence, Employability Skills Generation, Physical Health, Social Health, Psychological Health, etc before Motherhood are governing factors. Nature has given extra Power to Women (Mothers) together with a Sincere & Serious Natural Responsibility. A Futurist Mother is like a जननी ( माटो ) Soil. Scientifically, Soil means the best fertile material in which the best seeds get yielded into the best crops & quality Seeds again & the same Quality Seeds are responsible for the best quality offspring. Skilled, Empowered,Intellectual, Empathetic,Intuitive,Creative, Passionate, Life-long Learner,Good Listener, Persuasive, Responsible and Kind, Leader, Honest and Integrity, Courageous, Self-Aware, Wholehearted personal leads to the mitigation of existing problems of the Nation .
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Game Changer Initiative & a Movement by Futurist Mothers of Nepal - FMN’
If there is a problem in the soil, we cannot get expected product from the soil, likewise if a futurist mother has any problem related to biological, physical, mental, psychological and financial problems then she will be ill prepared for motherhood. Similarly, this unplanned, unpreparedness and accidental conception of a fetus leads to unhappiness and destruction along with we cannot expect the healthiest and constructive nation builders.
Medical science and life science says quality seed and preparedness to soil matters. Hence, the preparedness of FMN matters a lot.
The bitter truth is that Nature has given extra Power to Women (Mother) together with a Sincere & Serious Natural Responsibility. A Futurist Mother is like a जननी ( माटो ) Soil. Scientifically,Soil means the best fertile Soil in which best seeds get yield into the best crops & quality Seeds again & the same Quality Seeds are responsible for the best quality offsprings,
यदि माटोलाइ कुनै पनि समस्या छ भने त्यस माटो बाट expected outcomes पाउन सम्भव हुदैन ,त्यसरी नै हुनेवाला Futurist Mothers लाइ Physically ,Mentally ,Biologically Psychologically ,Financially लगायत समग्ररुपले Prepared नहुदै हाम्रा दिदीबहिनीहरु,छोरी ,बुहारीहरूबाट अभावै -अभाव (Crisis ) अवस्थामा ( Without Any Family Planning ) ,without Preparedness & Accidentally नै कर्णधार बालबालिकाहरु जन्मिने हो भने ,हुनेवाला Futurist Mother हरुबाट Expected ,Healthiest, Constructive कर्णधार सम्भव छैन
-Medical Science अनि Life Science ले यहि भन्छ! Quality Seed & Preparedness to Soil Matters ,Hence Preparedness of FMN matters a lot ,This is fact of Science !
Quality Product को लागि जसरि माटोको Preparedness ,Proper Planning को अपरिहार्यता छ ,त्यसरी नै हुनेवाला आमाहरु Futurist Mother हरुको Complete Preparedness ( Physical,Biological,Mental & Psychological Health , Financial Freedom -Socio-Economical लगायत ) को अपरिहार्यता छ , यसको लागि हुनेवाला आमाहरु स्वयम र हुनेवाला Father हरु लगायत सबै Stakeholder हरु Responsible हुनु पर्ने देखिन्छ, सुन्दा तितो लागे पनि सत्य यहि हो कि हुनेवाला आमाहरु अलिक बढी नै Sincere /Responsible हुन् पर्ने देखिन्छ,जिल्ला अदालत तथा सर्बोच अदालतको तथ्यांक देख्दा समबन्ध-बिच्छेद Divorce को बढ्दो क्रम Exponential देखिन्छ, अर्थात बचा जन्मिने भ्रुण अवस्था देखि नौ महिने गर्भ लगायत सुत्केरी बेदना अनि Breast Feeding तथा तोते बोलीको पहिलो पाठशाला अनि Schooling गराउने पहिलो Teacher समेतको जिम्मेवारी Nature ले Futurist Mothers लाइ ( केहि अपवाद बाहेक) नै बोकाएको छ ,यो सुन्दा नराम्रो लागे पनि तितो यथार्थ हो ,सबै ले हुनेवाला Futurist Mother हरुलाइ Support सहयोग गर्नुपर्छ,यसमा कुनै दुइ मत छैन ,तर पनि, Futurist Mothers are more responsible for their Financial Freedom and for their Physical, Biological, Mental, Psychological, Socio-Economic Health & Fitness before they get pregnant accidentally or without Preparedness and without Family Planning. यदि हुनेवाला Futurist Mother हरु Complete Preparedness नै नभई नभई Pregnant हुदै जाने हो भने माथि भनिएको समस्याहरुको सामाधान कहिले हुने छैन ,बरु दिन पर दिन अवस्था भयावह हुदै जानेछ,
Vision - We envision creating jobs and contributing towards achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGS-17)-Ending all types of Poverty,Zero Food Hunger, Employability Skills ,Livelihood, Conservation, Climate-Change, Sustainability,SCBT (Sustainable Community Based Tourism), Sustainable Agriculture & Sustainable Family Farming -SAF & all interlinked Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS17).FMN aims to contribute towards preparedness of Futurist Mothers of Nepal for their Financial Freedom,Entrepreneurship,Job Skills & Employability Skills.
Set Goal : Preparedness of Self-Sustainable,Independent, Empowered, Responsible Game Changer Futurist Mothers
Mission Statement : “BE THE ONE,Who makes the Difference - Be a Responsible Futurist Mothers - Be a Light - Be the First One”
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Stay in a Family HomeStay in Nepal or in a Family Farm Stay or in a Community HomeStay,By choosing Coop Booking & Coop Travel Mart, you are choosing to contribute Sustainable Tourism ,You are choosing to contribute in Sustainable Community & Sustainable Agriculture with Family Farming,Also you are choosing to be a Responsible Tarveller as well as you are choosing to contribute towards United Nations Sustainabale Development Goals.
We envision creating jobs and contributing towards achieving United Nations 'Sustainable Goals (UN SDGS-17)-Ending all types of Poverty, Zero Food Hunger, Employability Skills Livelihood, Conservation, Climate-Change, Sustainability , Sustainable …
Stay in a Family HomeStay in Nepal or in a Family Farm Stay or in a Community HomeStay,By choosing Coop Booking & Coop Travel Mart, you are choosing to contribute Sustainable Tourism ,You are choosing to contribute in Sustainable Community & Sustainable Agriculture with Family Farming,Also you are choosing to be a Responsible Tarveller as well as you are choosing to contribute towards United Nations Sustainabale Development Goals.
We envision creating jobs and contributing towards achieving United Nations 'Sustainable Goals (UN SDGS-17)-Ending all types of Poverty, Zero Food Hunger, Employability Skills Livelihood, Conservation, Climate-Change, Sustainability , Sustainable Agriculture -Sustainable Tourism ( SAST ), Sustainable Family Farming -SAF & all interlinked Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS17).We believe in Sustainable-Resilience-Responsible & Community Based -Sustainable Tourism & Sustainable Agriculture SAST.
Tourism helps flow Consumers & encourage Consumers in consuming Goods & Services. Therefore Tourism is the key for every sectors. Technology र Digital को यो युगमा Traditional Marketing र Promotion बाट मात्रै नेपालको Rural Tourism Promotion हुनसक्दैन |
यसर्थ कठार पर्यटन सहकारी संस्था लि ,कोप होमस्टे तथा पर्यटन सहकारी अभियानले EcoHomeStay Nepal को प्राविधिक परामर्श तथा सहकार्यमा Coop Booking & Coop Travel Mart तथा आवशयक Technology, Software, Digital promotion, Digital marketing को महत्वपूर्ण जिम्मेवारी वहन गर्दै यो Coop Booking platform निर्माण गरी पर्यटन क्षेत्रमा सहकारी क्षेत्रको उपस्थिति जनाउदै पर्यटन क्षेत्रको लाभ तथा स्वामित्व स्थानीय जनतालाई समुचित वितरण प्राणाली निर्माण गर्दै पर्यटकीय उपज ,पर्यटकीय बस्तु ,पर्यटकीय सेवा जन्य Travel ,Tourism & Hospitality जन्य Tourism Product हरुलाई यस Coop Booking Plateform मार्फत digitally Showcasing ,Coop Brand मार्फत branding तथा बजरिकरण गर्दै पर्यटन क्षेत्रमा सहकारी क्षेत्रको उपस्थिति गराउदै निजि क्षेत्र संग स्वस्थ प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्दै कठार पर्यटन सहकारी संस्था लि , कठार थारु कोप होमस्टे ,कोप होमस्टे तथा पर्यटन सहकारी अभियानले यो Coop Hospitality ,Coop Travel & Tourism लगायतका बिभिन्न पर्यटन उद्योग अगाडी बढेको छ |
अतिथि देवो भव : Welcome to Nepal's First Coop Booking Platform ! नेपालकै पहिलो र एकमात्र Coop Booking Platform मा स्वागत छ ! We represent Sustainable Community Based Tourism ( Nepal-SCBT } of Nepal . We also represent Sustainable Family Farming & promote Sustainable Agriculture of Nepal . नेपालको Sustainable Tourism तथा Coop Tourism रुपी - Ready to SALE " हाम्रा Family Homestay , FarmStay तथा Community HomeStay ,Coop Homestay हरुको Marketing हुन सकेकै छैन ! ७५३ पालिकाहरुमा ४००० भन्दा बढीको संख्यामा रहेको प्रत्येक गाउँ टोल ( Community ) का प्रय्त्येक घरधुरी ( House-Hold )' हरु पर्यटकहरुका लागि कुनै पनि 5 Star Hotel भन्दा बढी आकर्षक Ready to SALE ' Tourism Product ' हो, भने यिनै खेर गैरहेको Community का Natural Resources , प्रत्येक घरधुरीका Human Resources मा आधारित Sustainable Agriculture - Sustainable Family Farming ( Sustainable Agriculture - Sustainable Tourism -SAST ) द्दिगो कृषि - द्दिगो पर्यटन बाट मात्रै नेपालको कृषि क्रान्ति तथा आर्थिक समृद्धि हुन सक्छ , तर बिडम्बना नै मान्नु पर्छ की , बजारिकरण ( Marketing ) को चुनौतीले गर्दा Family Farming तथा HomeStay उद्यम व्यवसाय गर्न छोडेर हाम्रो देशको युवा जनशक्ति बिदेशिन बाध्य भएर देश नै युवा बिहिन हुने खतरामा छ भने Marketing बिषयमा नै Degree लिएका लाखौ Graduate हरु Marketing को Job नै पाएन भन्दै रोजगारीको लागि देश नै छोडेर जाने होडबाजी नै छ , यदि यी Marketing Graduate हरुलाइ Ready to SALE - ' Sustainable -Tourism ' - Product को Marketing Skill सिकाउन सकने हो र यी Marketing पढाउने र Marketing पढ्ने हरुले यदि Ready to SALE - 'Sustainable Tourism Product ' रुपी हाम्रा यी HomeStay ,FarmStay, Community HomeStay हरुको Marketing हुन सक्ने हो भने यी Marketing Graduate हरुले देशमै रोजगारी पाउने थिए भने नेपालीहरु विदेशिने बाध्यता बाट मुक्त हुने मात्रै होइन, आफ्नो गाउँ आफैं बनाउने ,आफ्नो देश आफै बनाउने अभियानमा लगाउन सकिन्थ्यो !
७५३ वटै पालिकाहरु ( स्थानीय सरकार ) तथा ७ वटै प्रदेश सरकारहरुको ध्यान जान जरुरी छ !! नेपालका Graduates हरुले समेत यो कुरा मनन गर्न जरुरी छ , खास गरी Agriculture Graduates , IT Graduates , Tourism Graduates , Marketing - Business Graduates अनि यी Graduate हरुलाई देशमा काम नै नलाग्ने गरी पढाउने मास्टर साहेबहरुले समेत यो कुरा मनन गर्न जरुरी छ !! Tourism helps flow Consumers ,Tourism is the key for every Sectors ! Technology र Digital को यो युगमा Traditional Marketing र Promotion बाट मात्रै नेपालको 'Sustainable Rural Tourism ' Promotion हुन सक्दैन,
यसर्थ कठार पर्यटन सहकारी संस्था लि ले EcoHomeStay Nepal को प्राविधिक पारामर्श सहयोगबाट यिनै Vision ,Mission ,Objectives अन्तर्गत Homestay हरुको को लागि आवश्यक Technology, Software, Digital promotion, Branding, Digital Marketing को लागि यो Platform निर्माण भएको हो ! 'Sustainable Tourism' भनेको कृषिको बजारको समाधान हो भने 'Sustainable Agriculture - Sustainable Family Farming' भनेको देशको अर्थतन्त्रको मेरुदण्ड हो !"आर्थिक संकटको समाधान कृषि, पर्यटन ,प्रबिधि र पर्यावरण" | पर्यटनको लागि कृषि , कृषिको लागि पर्यटन ! पर्यावरणको लागि पर्यटन ,पर्यटनको लागि पर्यावरण ! हाम्रो लागि पर्यटन , पर्यटन को लागि हामी ! "पर्यटन संगै उत्पादन , Homestay संगै Family Farming , पर्यटन मात्र होइन, कृषि-पर्यटन " द्दिगो कृषि -द्दिगो पर्यटन !
आन्तरिक पर्यटन नै देश निर्माणको प्रमुख आधार हो | "Sustainable Agriculture - Sustainable Tourism (SAST ) - द्दिगो कृषि - द्दिगो पर्यटन " -
Every Family has a Story & Every Community has something to offer you !! "Sustainable Agriculture - Sustainable Tourism - द्दिगो कृषि - द्दिगो पर्यटन " - SAST Nepal